Precision nutrition

This resource provides a review of methods for point-of-care assessment of nutritional status

Link here

what is nutrition assessment?

This resource by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains what nutrition assessment is. Be sure to check out their links on assessment tools! 

Link here

Study session

The Open University's extensive module on nutrition assessment takes you through the different methods of assessing the nutritional status of children and adults. 

Link here. 

directions in nutrition assessment

Keep yourself abreast with the new directions that nutrition assessment is taking. This article explains how bio markers and bio indicators provide clarity in the face of complexity. Link here.

Be sure to check out the Bio Markers of Nutrition for Development (BOND) Program. Link here.


A discussion on field-friendly diagnostics, screening devices and tools, this article introduces five exciting products and outlines their use and potential impact.

Link here.

Personalized nutrition

See how personalized nutrition is evolving to provide powerful, practicable and accessible solutions that can be delivered via a variety of caregivers in a more effective way.  

Link here.

portable testing

Read this article for an overview of field methods for micro-nutrient testing and how this test has been used to control the quality of food fortification. 

Link here.

PIvotal movement

Learn how Pivotal Movement, a new initiative uses fitness tracking technology to turn calories burnt into increasing funding for nutrition and health projects! 

Link here.

scaling up dietary data

Learn how innovative dietary assessment technologies are used to improve the quality and time required to collect dietary data in low and middle income countries

Link here.